Look at the pictures taken of German soldiers during World War I. Study them and respond to all the following questions in detail.
What do you think of when you look at these pictures?
How do these photos relate to situations and events in the story we are reading? Be sure to choose at least three or four scenes from the novel we have read so far and describe them in relation to the pictures.
I like the one where their drunk because they look me and my friends when we get together lmao... i really like the aerial bombing because it looks like a greyscale of the northern lights its pretty wicked
ReplyDeleteI think that these are very facinating photos. They relate to the book completely. The book is about World War1 and the pictures relate because they are about World War1 also.
ReplyDeleteIt's very interseting to see how the soldiers were on the battle fields and how they acted when they were together having a good time.
when i look at the pictures. they seem worse then now; back then they woudl actually come up to the persons and shoot them and stab them but now in days all they do is fight from far.
ReplyDeletein relate to what we are reading in class in would seem to me that the part were they talk about being in the dugouts almost ready to fight would seem close relates because they talk about being it in and how they feel.
also when they are preactices and they tools that they use.
the soldiers in all of these pictures look happier than what you would think especially after reading chapters 4 and 5. I think the roasting food around the fire and joking scene are alot like the top picture. i think the scene where the men only have 32 left in the regimen reminds me of the last picture. the second to last picture they look so solomn kinda like after kemmerichs death. the air fight looks scary.
ReplyDeletewhen i look at this pic i think about German soldiers fighting in the world war 1 and to me this relates by saying that at the part were we had dicussed in class about like the brotherhood that they had they had no family they came in the war by there self but they had to learn to get to know one another and respect one another.
ReplyDeletewhen i look at the pic the irst couple of them r ok the men look ok but the last one i see alot of bones and i think that means that war kills.
ReplyDeleteWhen, I look at these pictures I see soliders that have been fighting. They look tired and helpless. They look like they need help. In some of the other pictures they look very professial and they look like they could win a war. In the story we are reading it is about war. I am sure at some point this is how the people in the story look. Some scenes in the story are like when they are figting against other soliders.
ReplyDeletethe first picture looks like a group of friends ,like the group of friends in the book
ReplyDeletein the second one they are in the trench like they are in the book
the third one symbolizes the smoke from cigarettes,like all the people in the book smoking b/c of stress
the last one shows death. in the book they see people deying all around them
When, I look at these pictures I see soliders that have been fighting. They look tired and helpless. They look like they need help. In some of the other pictures they look very professial and they look like they could win a war. In the story we are reading it is about war. I am sure at some point this is how the people in the story look. Some scenes in the story are like when they are figting against other soliders.when i look at the pic the irst couple of them r ok the men look ok but the last one i see alot of bones and i think that means that war kills.
ReplyDeleteWhen I look at these pictures I see pain. I know that these soldiers have been fighting for a while and feel like that is all they know and do. I see that they are hurting physically and mentally.
ReplyDeleteThese photos relate to the situations and events in the story. Paul and his friends hid in the trenches. People all around him were dying and loosing limbs like the first picture. Even if the soldiers are smiling, there is a sense of fear in their eyes. In the novel the soldiers fought in the night as war airplanes flew above them. The third picture expresses this. In the first picture the men are drunk. The men in the book drink also. I think they did this so they forget all the death and sadness around them.
These pictures are slightly disturbing, they show these men looking kind of ragged. In the book Kat and the rest of the boy are sitting in the trenches trying to fight back the French. the picture with the trenches show how they are trying to fight back against the other side.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures with the bodies are like when they were in the cemtary during the air bombing and they saw all the corpse.
When looking at the pictures I immediately notice that in all the photos the soldiers are thin and bony. The importance and lack of food appears throughout the novel. This also relates to the bathing scenes, and the looks of the others. The photo of the air raid relates to when Kropp and Kat bet over a dog fight, and to the bombardments. The artistic patterns the clouds form belie the violence; making it seem less of a battle and more of a show. The photo with the skeletons relates to the events after and during the bombardment; specifically how they had to bury them in mass graves. In all the photos were you can see the soldiers faces, they are somber or the simile appears forced. The novel in several instances discuss how they have to joke and force themselves out of depression. The first photo seems to show wounded soldiers, and the grinning ones seem to be forcing themselves to do so because of the camera.
ReplyDeletewhat i thought of thew pistures was that they reminded me of death and horer. the pic of the dead soldeirs reminded me of all the dead soldeirs in no mans land and the horer that they must of went through right before they died.
ReplyDeleteHey guys--we do read these comments and it is easy for us to tell when you are NOT responding to the post with honesty. For example, if you plagiarize the comments of the person or people immediately preceding you, we will know immediately. Please do not do this. We have these blogs so that you can respond to media outside of the classroom and so that you can have a model for your own blogs. I know that the purpose here may not be readily apparent to you--you may question the value of this exercise. While it is always permissible to ask me or Ms. Whelan why you have to do something in class, you are NEVER allowed to plagiarize or steal someone else's words. Please be mindful of this especially as we begin our argument/research papers.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ms. Biondi
when i look at these pictures, i think of death and sorrow. paul and his friends face death every day. they face it during the hospital, and throughout the bombardment.
ReplyDeletethe first picture remininded me of when paul and his friends had past time. the second picture they are in the trenches holding a frag stick gernade it looks like hes is about to throw it. the third picture reminded me of the aura lights that can be found in alaska or any northern areas. the fact that otto frank that was in ww1 and was proscuted in ww2 is terrible. the final picture reminded me of when the doctor said that kemmerich death was no big deal and that it just adds to the kill count.