Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Relevance of Rand

Read some of the articles on the Ayn Rand website and try to find one that you feel can connect well with what you have read from Anthem thus far. Respond in a manner that helps me to see that you understand the book as well as how it relates to current events.

Ayn Rand Institute - News and Highlights!


  1. It is hard for me to say really anything because i have been out and i havent read much of the book so i cant really connect anything said in these articles to the book

  2. i read the "'just wat theory' vs.american self-defense". the article talked about 9/11 an how people thought about it. i also talked about revenge and how people didnt understand how someone could be so heartless as to blow up a building with hundrends of people in it.

    i understand what the artical is saying. if i had lost someone in the 9/11 attack, i would seek revenge to the fullest.

  3. The governments of some states and organizations have ban people from smoking in public areas to pervent pregenaught people from getting cancer.

    this relates to the story because the council tries to pervent anyone to do anything that is aginst their law.

  4. in "mob rule comes to washington" it is suggested in the end that the government may be becoming to powerful and is only gaining power. in anthem the government or council is in complete control of the people much similar to a dictatorship.

  5. Earth hour is an hour where no electricity is used. All modern technology is not used. This shows respect for the earth, but also makes people thankful for the electricity that we do use on a regular basis. It demonstrates what the world would be like without electricity and how life would be. We get a dose of the world without it.

  6. the bailout for the car company was wack and i think that they should have never helped them out and they need to help someone else instead of the car indestry

  7. The article about Earth hour is similar to the book Anthem because electricity was taken away from the people in the book Anthem. They were living in a society without modern things. Earth hour is only one hour, but we can see what people in the book lived like.

  8. The article I found deals with the economic stimulus, specifically the bonuses received by the AIG employees. The writer criticizes Washington and the people demandingly the employees return the money. They ask if the employees did anything wrong and what validation could be used to force them to give the money back.The writer tells how the people are being driven by emotion and not logic. The article expresses how narrow minded people can be and how people need to think before speaking.

    This article relates to Anthem in many ways. It deals with a group of people acting without thinking the issue through and jumping on the bandwagon. It deals with the government and it effects to control the people/companies. It also relates to the fact that the person writing the article has the right to criticize the government and other's beliefs; something that they would imprison you for in Anthem.

  9. iam not really sure what to comment about; only that the book for me is confusing to understand. & that i do understand that they dont have control over anyting and that conuncil decided preety much eveything for them. But that theres one guy who doesnt think like the rest make gets my main attention.

  10. The aricle about earth hour is smiliar to anthem. This is because electiricty was taken away from the people in the book. I can say that they were living in a society that was not modern.
